Wednesday, November 27, 2024

HQCB #67 Make a Trio list badge theme starts 28 Nov 2024 plus #66 Best Arrows brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #67 Make Your Trio Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #67 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #67 has 8 elements. Pick a minimum of 3 to use. 

    *woods (trees or wood)     *turtle(s)   *owl(s)  *cardinal(s)    *blue jay(s)    *woodgrain heart(s)  *white "love/loving" lettering  *red ribbon/yarn/cording                                  


Competition #67 runs from November 28 - December 13, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible. **Skip to the bottom to see #66 brags.


#67 Make your trios/combos DT inspiration projects:

DT member Willa Jean:

#67 used 4 elements: wood, owl, woodgrain hearts and white loving lettering 


DT/owner Becca:

#67 used 5 elements: wood, cardinal, woodgrain hearts, white loving [you] phrase and red cording


DT member Pamela W

blog home page

(on vacation)

<3 **  <3 **  <3

These are awesome variations using #67 elements!


#67 List Badge: please add this to your personal postings


Readers and participants for #67: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on December 13, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Becca S, Willa Jean and Pamela




for Deanne and Jolanda!!

With our hearts overflowing in gratitude there were '2' on target #66 projects and these artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share on their blogs!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Deanne and Jolanda!!!

Entry  #1 = Deanne


Entry # = Jolanda

Both cards are excellent interpretations using the #66 badge.

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Join us for Heart's Quest #67 woodland inspiration list elements    

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

HQCB #66 Make a Trio list badge theme for 14 November plus #65 brag results

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #66 Make Your Trio Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #66 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #66 has 7 elements. Pick a minimum of 3 to use. 

    *Deer/reindeer     *Elk/moose   *Sled/sleigh    *Ice skates    *Green heart(s) 

                    *White heart(s)     *Silver "Love" lettering                                       


Competition #66 runs from November 14-27, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible. **Skip to the bottom to see #65 brags.


#66 Make your combinations DT inspiration projects:

DT member Pamela W

blog home page

#66 used 3 elements: deer, green heart and white heart


DT member Willa Jean:

#66 used elements: deer, green hearts & white heart


DT member/owner Becca:

#66 used 3 elements: ice skaters, white heart and silver 'love'

<3  **  <3 **  <3

These are awesome variations using #66 elements!


#66 List Badge: please add this to your personal postings

Note: our sister Quest family blog of FarmQuest Challenge Blog #64 's theme is frozen pond or creek if you'd like to coordinate and compete there as well.  Just use your deer/elk/sled/ice skates near a icy pond or creek. 


Participants for #66: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on November 27, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team--  Pamela, Willa Jean and Becca




for Jolanda J!!

With our hearts overflowing in gratitude there was '1' on target #65 project and the artisan gets the Best Arrows badge to share on her blog!


Entry  # 1= feather/duck feathers, green outlined heart & kraft heart

This is an excellent interpretation using the #65 badge.

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HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...