Design Team Members Needed

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

HQCB is part of the Quest Families of blogs


Design Team Members Needed

 DT Call

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message owner/DT Becca Sadler at


Current tasks/duties of HQCB design team members:

* make 1 project for each theme every 2 weeks approximately

*new themes/list badges for competitions are published on the 14th and 28th of each month

*2024 theme structuring will be different. There will be list A and list B that will each have 3 options. Part A's list will be theme elements and Part B's list will be our signature heart/love choices that will vary. Each participant gets to pick at least 1 from each part to create their own theme pairing! So lots of flexibility and creative opportunities!!!

*As entry numbers grow, design team members will be assigned commenting number(s) to respond to/check for in the link-up tool within each two-week competition.

*As entry numbers grow, design team members will also rotate taking turns to select bragging rights.

*HQCB owner/DT Becca and current DT member Willa Jean communicate in a private Facebook group. Any future members will be expected to become FB friends and join the private group. Albums are set up in the media category usually a month or two in advance to allow DT members to work in advance if they'd like.

*HQCB design team members are highly encouraged to share their DT projects on their own blog/IG/YT and other FB groups using HQCB blog post link(s), the HQCB design team member badge, etc.

<3 -- <3 -- <3


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HQCB #70 Theme of Anything Goes with included White or Pink and or Purple Heart starts 28 Jan 2025 + #69 brag honors

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