Sunday, October 27, 2024

HQCB #65 Make a Trio List Badge Theme starts 28 October 2024 Plus #64 Best Arrow Brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #65 Make Your Trio Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #65 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #65 has 7 elements. Pick a minimum of 3 to use. 

    *Turkey(s)     *Pheasants   *Peacocks    *Loose feathers    *Kraft heart(s) 

                    *Ombre heart(s)     *Gray and/or silver "Love" lettering                                       


Competition #65 runs from October 28 - November 13, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible. **Skip to the bottom to see #64 brags.


#65 Make your combinations DT inspiration projects:

DT/owner Becca:

#65 used 4 elements: loose feathers, 1 kraft heart, ombre hearts (orange, red, brown), gray 'love' as part of 'love you always' circle sticker


 Project #2 tag using 3 elements: loose feathers, pheasants, & 3 kraft hearts


DT member Willa Jean:

#65 used 3 elements: loose feather, turkey, and 3 small kraft hearts


DT member Pamela W

blog home page

#65 used 3 elements: peacock colors, ombre hearts, dark gray "love"

<3 **  <3 **  <3

These are awesome variations using #65 elements!


#65 List Badge: please add this to your personal postings


Readers and participants for #65: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on November 13, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Becca S, Willa Jean and Pamela




for Coby and Deanne!!

With our hearts overflowing in gratitude there were '2' on target #64 project and 2 artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share on their blogs!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Coby and Deanne!!!

Entry  #1 = Coby

bee, hexagons, honeycomb


Entry # 2= Deanne

bee, hexagons, honeycomb

Both cards are excellent interpretations using the #64 badge.

-----<3 ** <3 ** <3 ** <3-----


Sunday, October 13, 2024

HQCB #64 list badge to make your own trio theme starting 14 October 2024 + #63 Best Arrow brag notice

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #64 Make Your Trio Theme 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#64 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #64 new badge listing format and requirements:

list badge will have a mix of 7 option elements and you need to use a minimum of 3 in each project




Competition #64 runs from

October 14-27, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3


Check the blog's sidebar for social media links for DT members. 

#62 Make your combinations DT inspiration projects:

DT member Willa Jean:

#64 trio of choices: bee, hexagons/honeycomb shaped, love (black color)

extra/bonus related: copper metallic hearts, yellow and black colors/papers


DT member Pamela W

blog home page

#64 trio of choices: bee, honey jars, hexagons

extras: red hearts in the designer papers, heart shape accent with bee and scalloped heart shape backing


DT/owner Becca:

#64 List trio of choices: bees (tiny ones on the hive box), hive box, and hexagons

extras/variation of options are black hearts and yellow hearts;

extras/words: honey and honeycomb in the Scripture verse

<3 **  <3 **  <3

These are awesome creation interpretations using #64!


#64 List Badge: please add this to your personal postings

see below or up above

**if you want to go straight to the linking tool, SKIP over the bragging rights section**



Congratulations to 1 entry created by Deanne!!!

HQCB Best Arrows Pick honors this hedgehog card by Deanne!!!

This  was for the theme for #63 ending on October 13, 2024.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there was 1 on target #63 project and 1 artisan gets the Best Arrows badge to share on her blog!!!

Thank you very much to this marvelous artisan for tackling #63 Heart's Quest list badge!

Hopefully readers are going to enjoy a less restrictive options list theme badge that will be trying for the next few competitions.


Readers and participants:

 use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on October 27, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean, Pamela and Becca S.


HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...