Thursday, June 27, 2024

HQCB #57 Make Your Combo Theme starts on 28 June 2024

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #57 Make Your Combo Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#57 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #57 Part A: cherries &/or berries, basket, blanket/quilt, pie pan/cobbler pan


Theme #57 Part B:  kraft color heart shape, heart-shaped plate/platter/placemat, "loving this...or lovin' this...; and/or "love" with 0o replaced with a cherry or berry



Competition #57 runs from

June 28-July 13, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3


#57 Make your duo/combo with using a minimum of 1 option from Part A and 1 from Part B elements DT inspiration projects:

DT member= Willa Jean:

#57 Part A choices: cherries

Part B choices: love with 'o' replaced with a cherry


DT member= Pamela:

#57 Part A choices: cherry

Part B choices: love with 'o' replaced with a cherry


DT/owner Becca S:

#57 Part A choices: 2 cherries plus lots of blueberries 

(oops! I forgot about the berry basket!)

Part B choices: two kraft heart shapes

These are awesome creations using #57 options!


#57 List Badge:


Readers and participants: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on July 13, 2024.




FarmQuest HomeStyle Kitchen Challenges blog has an anything food-related goes theme every month (#6 from June 2-30) and then (#7 from July 2-31).


FarmQuest Grocery Game Challenges blog's #2 competition is based on any even # grocery store aisle shown in the #2 badge and also found in the whole 10 aisle list on the sidebar of the homepage. 

Even aisle # are 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

So for FQGGCB, there has to be some planning and coordination, but this will increase your chances of bragging rights! :)

These challenge blogs are owned by Becca Sadler. I approve of the cross-over submissions. 


Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean, Pamela and Becca S


HQCB #56 List Badge Bragging Rights Announcement

Heart's Quest Theme #56

Make your combo pair from list badge  was the theme for #56 ending on June  27, 2024.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 3 on target #56 projects and 2 artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

Thank you very much to these marvelous artisans for tackling #56 Heart's Quest list badge= 

Congratulations to: Jolanda J (#2) and Cheryl E (#1 and #3)!!!

Here are some small peeks at how they picked option(s) from each side of #56 list badge and created marvelous interpretations:

In mixed order of entry : 

Jolanda J = card format


Cheryl E = 2 scrapbook layouts


<3  --  <3  --  <3

These are wonderful projects creatively crafted using HQCB #56!
This was the #56 list badge to make your combo theme:

Thanks for participating!

<3  **  <3  **  <3

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog Design Team:

 DT members Pamela, Willa Jean and Becca S (owner)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

HQCB #56 Make Your Own Combo Challenge on 14 June 2024

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #56 Make Your Combo Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#56 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #56 Part A: star(s), stripes, pennant/banner, scallops or half circles


Theme #56 Part B:  metallic heart shape(s), red hearts print border, "I love..." or "we love...", shiny metal or rusty metal "love"  lettering




Competition #56 runs from

June 14-27, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3


Check the blog's sidebar for social media links for DT members. This is Pamela's 2nd post so please leave her some blog love. Welcome!

#56 Make your combinations DT inspiration projects:

DT member Willa Jean:

#56 Part A choices: stripes, stars, scalloped circle

Part B choices: red heart border


new DT member Pamela WWELCOME!!!

blog home page

DT member Pamela:

#56 Part A choice: stripes and scalloped & half circle

Part B choice: shiny (glitter) letters for "LOVE"


DT/owner Becca:

#56 Part A choices: stars, some stripes, scalloped circle

Part B choice: shiny metallic 'love'

<3 **  <3 **  <3

These are awesome creations using #56!


#56 List Badge: please add this to your personal postings

see down below or up above


Readers and participants: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on June 27, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Pamela, Willa Jean and Becca S.

*please leave some comment love for Pamela joining the team

 WELCOME to the Heart's Quest Design Team, Pamela!!!



HQCB #55 Best Arrows Bragging Rights Announcement on 13 June 2024

 Heart's Quest Theme #55

Make your combo pair from list badge  was the theme for #55 ending on June 13, 2024.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 2 on target #55 projects and these 2 artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

Thank you very much to  for tackling #55 Heart's Quest list badge! 

Congratulations to: Cheryl  E and Jolanda J!!


#55 badge used by DT and these 2 participants:


Here are some small peeks at how they picked option(s) from each side of #55 list badge and created marvelous interpretations:

In order of entry:

#1 entry made by Jolanda J=

Part A choice: keys, door with lock, brown color, and gray color

Part B choice: metallic heart-shape (lock) and expression 'you hold the key to my heart'


#2 entry made by Cheryl E=

Part A choice: wheels, some brown color and lots of light grays in the photos and accents

Part B choice: red heart shapes (also bonus yellow hearts)

These are wonderful projects creatively crafted using HQCB #55!

Thanks for participating!

<3  **  <3  **  <3

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog Design Team:

Willa Jean and Becca S (owner) and for #54+ new DT member Pamela W

(#56 will be published on June 14, 2024.)



HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...