Saturday, January 27, 2024

HQCB #47 Make Your Own Combo Theme for 28 Jan 2024

 Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #47 Make Your Combo Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#47 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #47 Part A: Cupid, arrow(s), or kissing lips


Theme #47 Part B: heart-shape doily, expression "You've captured my heart", or  expression "my loving darling"


Competition #47 runs from

January 28-February 13, 2024 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3


Check the blog's sidebar for social media links for DT member Willa Jean and owner/DT Becca.

#47 Make your duo with heart/love elements DT inspiration projects:

DT member Willa Jean=

#47 elements:

left side= cupid, arrow

right side= 'you've captured my heart'

extras= three bright pink glitter heart stickers, 'love struck'


DT/owner Becca S=

my #47 theme choices are: kissing lips and expression "my loving darling";

extras are: 'kiss me', 'love' script die-cut, and added 'xoxoxo' to the sentiment strip

<3 **  <3 **  <3

#47 badge for make your own combo choice options:


Readers and participants: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on February 13, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean and Becca


DT Call

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message Becca at

2024 theme structuring will be different. There will be list A and list B that will each have 3 options. Part A's list will be theme elements and Part B's list will be our signature heart/love choices that will vary. Each participant gets to pick at least 1 from each part to create their own theme pairing! So lots of flexibility and creative opportunities for twice per month competitions at HQCB!!!


HQCB #46 Best Arrows for our first make your own combo pair Announcement

Heart's Quest Theme #46

Make your combo pair with heart/love was the theme for #46 ending on January 27, 2024.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 6  on target #46 projects and 3 artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

The most popular combination was using a boy and/or girl image with some type of heart sticker or die-cut. 

For review, this was the badge of side options for #46=

Six marvelous entries with these 3 selected for recognition:

Entry #1 = Donna (hey.its donna)

Entry #3= Aimeslee

Entry #6= Cheryl

Thanks ladies for outstanding combinations using the #46 badge! 
We appreciate the other participants for their time and talent shared with Heart's Quest.

<3 --- <3 --- <3

Theme #47 will be launched very soon. 12:00am CT/Chicago on January 28, 2024.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

and theme topic structure will be changing in 2024, so

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler


Saturday, January 13, 2024

HQCB #46 Make Your Combo Theme Badge for 14 January 2024

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #46 Make Your Combo Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#46 theme badge is shown below:

Theme #46 Part A: puzzle or puzzle piece; boy or girl image/photo; or game or game piece


Theme #46 Part B: heart shape button/charm; heart shape sticker/die-cut; phrase "you have a piece of my heart"


Competition #46 runs from

January 14-27, 2023 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3


Check the blog's sidebar for social media links for DT member Willa Jean and owner/DT Becca.

#46 Make your duo with heart/love elements DT inspiration projects: 

DT member/owner Becca's project= 

[for #46: puzzle and puzzle piece PLUS "you have a piece of my heart"; 
extras are the 3 little hearts cut from cardstock scraps 


DT member Willa Jean's project=

[ #46 elements: part A choice of girl image PLUS part B choice of heart-shape die-cuts AND sticker (little pink/red heart)]

These are marvelous heartwarming theme inspiration projects!

THEME #46 Make Your Combo badge:


Accepted formats are: cards, ATCs, bookmarks, tags, TNs/planners/calendars/journals pages or spreads, plus any size or pocket format scrapbook layouts.


Readers and participants: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on January 27, 2024.


Note: We'd love for you to include the #46 make your combo theme choices badge on your blog even if it's small size! :)


Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean and Becca


DT Call

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message Becca at

2024 theme structuring will be different. There will be list A and list B that will each have 3 options. Part A's list will be theme elements and Part B's list will be our signature heart/love choices that will vary. Each participant gets to pick at least 1 from each part to create their own theme pairing! So lots of flexibility and creative opportunities for twice per month competitions at HQCB!!!


HQCB #45 HNY 2024 theme with heart love Best Arrows Recognition Announcement

Heart's Quest Theme #45

New Year's Day with heart/love was the theme for #45 ending on January 13, 2024.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were  on target #45 projects and 3 artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

Congratulations: Melanie H, Granmargaret and Deanne!!!

Entry #1 by Granmargaret= 

Entry #3 by Melanie H=

Entry #5 by Deanne=

Thanks ladies for outstanding celebratory arrival of the new year! 
We appreciate the other participants for their time and talent shared with Heart's Quest.

<3 --- <3 --- <3

Theme #46 will be launched very soon. 12:00am CT/Chicago on January 14, 2024.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

and theme topic structure will be changing in 2024, so

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler


SNEAK PEEK at the new topic structure starting on January 14, 2024=

Make Your Own Combo Pairing Theme

choose 1 from each side for your project:

cards, ATCs, tags, bookmarks, journals, calendars/planners, TNs, and any format of scrapbook layout

Friday, January 5, 2024

HQCB #45.5 New Year theme Reminder on 6 Jan 2024 plus DT Call plus 14 Jan preview

Quick Post Reminder for HQCB #45

The midway point for Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #45 theme has arrived.

Theme #45 is New Year (2024) theme with heart/love==>

2 parts:

1. NYD 2024 (image/photo/sentiment related); ideas of celebrating, time, resolutions, best wishes, calendars, countdowns, fireworks, etc.  Or go back to previous years if you're doing scrapbook, journal, TN layouts. 


2. at least 1 of these: heart shape, the word 'heart', and/or the word 'love'

(heartfelt, heartwarming, loving, beloved, agape, charity, etc.)


<3  **  <3  **  <3

more design inspiration from owner Becca: 

[#45 elements: part #1: "happy new year 2024"; stars; glitter tape


part #2: Advent theme words that include 'love']


New Year Day of any type projects with heart/love included are due by 12:00am January 13, 2023. 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog #45 main post link=


With a happy heart getting to craft,

owner Becca

{please take time to see what DT members Willa Jean and I created for the main posting from December 28, 2023!!!}

<3  **  <3  **  <3


We need 2+ more members to help us grow through more social media coverage and networking from their own blog link-ups to other challenge competitions and Facebook groups. 

If you enjoy expressing heart/love within special days/holidays/seasonal themed projects, please send an email message stating your interest to Becca @

SNEAK PEEK for January 14, 2024

the theme structure formatting will change which will give artisans more creative options:

I've got my ideas percolating for this one and still need to get my DT creation made. Hope you are doing the same in anticipation of this new format at HQCB! Enjoy!!!

HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...