Wednesday, December 27, 2023

HQCB #45 theme is New Year Day with hearts and or love starting 28 Dec 2023 plus DT Call

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #45 Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#45 theme in honor of New Year's Day 2024

Theme #45 Part A: have elements/sentiment that are New Year's Day related


Theme #45 Part B: include heart word or shape or a love word


Competition #45 runs from

December 28-January 13, 2023 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3


Check the blog's sidebar for social media links for DT member Willa Jean and owner/DT Becca.

#45 Happy New Year occasion with heart/love theme DT inspiration projects: 

DT member Willa Jean's project=

[ #45 HNY elements: 'happy', stars, metallic silver, and the tinsel tag tie; for heart/love elements: 3 hearts]


DT member/owner Becca's project= 

above: cover


below: inside=

[for #45: HNY elements are the 20 + 24 stickers, gold metallic stars, and 'wish' sentiment on the inside panel; for heart/love = the cover has 2 amber heart shaped gems and the inside panel has a mauve pink foil heart die-cut]

These are marvelous celebration theme inspiration projects! 


Accepted formats are: cards, ATCs, bookmarks, tags, TNs/planners/calendars/journals pages or spreads, plus any size or pocket format scrapbook layouts.

Just remember to include a heart shape, the word heart (or a variation), or the word love (or a variation) somewhere on the front/main part of the project. 


Readers and participants: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on January 13, 2024.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean and Becca


DT Call

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message Becca at

2024 theme structuring will be different. There will be list A and list B that will each have 3 options. Part A's list will be theme elements and Part B's list will be our signature heart/love choices that will vary. Each participant gets to pick at least 1 from each part to create their own theme pairing! So lots of flexibility and creative opportunities for twice per month competitions at HQCB!!!


HQCB #44 Poinsettias Theme Best Arrows Announcement plus DT Call

Heart's Quest Theme #44

Poinsettia Day with heart/love was the theme for #44 ending on December 27, 2023.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 2  on target #44 projects submitted by 2 artisans and they get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

Congratulations: Granmargaret and Jolanda J!!!!

Entry #2 by Jolanda J=


Entry #1 by Granmargaret=

Both submitted projects are unique to combining poinsettias and hearts/love as the artisans themselves! Excellent!


<3  **  <3  **  <3

Theme #45 will be launched very soon. 12:00am CT/Chicago on December 28, 2023.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

and theme topic structure will be changing in 2024, so

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler


SNEAK PEEK at the new topic structure starting on January 14, 2024=


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

HQCB #44.5 Poinsettia theme REMINDER posting on 20 December 2023

 Quick Post Reminder for HQCB #44

The midway point for Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #44 theme has arrived.

Theme #44 is poinsettias theme with heart/love==>

2 parts:

1. poinsettia (image/photo) 


2. at least 1 of these: heart shape, the word 'heart', and/or the word 'love'

(heartfelt, heartwarming, loving, beloved, agape, charity, etc.)


<3  **  <3  **  <3

more design inspiration from owner Becca:

theme #44 components:

*poinsettia round die-cut (gift tag upcycled)

*poinsettia on notebook paper die-cut

*patterned paper cut heart shape that's been color-altered, stenciled and then stenciling outlined


Poinsettia Day of any type projects with heart/love included are due by 12:00am December 27, 2023. 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog #44 main post link=


With a happy heart getting to craft,

owner Becca

{please take time to see what DT members Willa Jean and I created for the main posting from December 14, 2023!!!}

<3  **  <3  **  <3


We need 2+ more members to help us grow through more social media coverage and networking from their own blog link-ups to other challenge competitions and Facebook groups. 

If you enjoy expressing heart/love within special days/holidays/seasonal themed projects, please send an email message stating your interest to Becca @

SNEAK PEEK for January 14, 2024

the theme structure formatting will change which will give artisans more creative options:


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

HQCB #44 Poinsettia Day with heart and or love theme starts 14 Dec 2023 PLUS a DT Call

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB #44 Theme Main Post

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog

#44 theme is in honor of  Poinsettia Day on Dec 12 occasion and Christmas on Dec 25.

Theme #44 Part A: have elements/sentiment that are Poinsettia 


Theme #44 Part B: include heart word or shape or a love word

December 14-27, 2023 with start and end times of 12am CT/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references.

Each participant can enter 3 themed projects per competition. 

Bragging rights are possible.

<3 ** <3 ** <3

Check the blog's sidebar for social media links for DT member Willa Jean and owner/DT Becca.

#44 Poinsettia Day Christmas with heart/love theme DT inspiration projects:

DT member Willa Jean=

[#44 required elements: for poinsettia= stamped poinsettia ; for heart/love = 3 hearts in different sizes]


Owner/DT member Becca=

[#44 required elements: poinsettia die-cut; plus red glitter heart foam sticker 

Super!!! These are very creative!


Readers and participants: use this Inlinkz tool address link to access for submitting your blog linked photos (or Instagram). Deadline is 12am CT/Chicago time on December 27, 2023.



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean and Becca


******DT Call******

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message Becca at


SNEAK PEEK at the theme restructuring starting in January 14, 2024:


HQCB #43 Music theme Best 3 Arrows picks recognition announcement and DT Call

Heart's Quest Theme #43

Music (for World Choral Day) with heart/love was the theme for #43 ending on December 13, 2023.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 4  on target #43 projects submitted by 4 artisans and they get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

Congratulations: Granmargaret, Aimeslee, Julene, and Jolanda J!!!!

Entry #1 by Jolanda J=

Entry #2 by Julene=

Entry #3 by Aimeslee=

Entry #4 by Granmargaret=

All 4 submitted projects are as unique to combining music and hearts/love as the artisans themselves! Excellent!


<3  **  <3  **  <3

Theme #44 will be launched very soon. 12:00am CT/Chicago on December 14, 2023.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

and theme topic structure will be changing in 2024, so

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler


SNEAK PEEK at the new topic structure starting on January 14, 2024=

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

HQCB #43.5 Midway Reminder for Music Theme plus an ongoing DT Call

  Quick Post Reminder for HQCB #43

The midway point for Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #43 theme has arrived.

Theme #43 is music theme with heart/love==>

2 parts:

1. music (image or sentiment) since we are honoring World Choral Day observed each year on the 2nd Sunday of December; the music can be band/instrumental or choral; any season or holiday of the year; any styles of music too. 


2. at least 1 of these: heart shape, the word 'heart', and/or the word 'love'

(heartfelt, heartwarming, loving, beloved, agape, charity, etc.)


<3  **  <3  **  <3

more design inspiration from owner Becca:

[#43: music component= part of the chorus part of "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" carol;

and heart/love= heart-shaped background and base]


World Choral Day/music of any type projects with heart/love included are due by 12:00am December 13, 2023. 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog #43 main post link=


With a happy heart getting to craft,

owner Becca

{please take time to see what DT members Willa Jean and I created for the main posting from November 28, 2023!!!}

<3  **  <3  **  <3


We need 2+ more members to help us grow through more social media coverage and networking from their own blog link-ups to other challenge competitions and Facebook groups. 

If you enjoy expressing heart/love within special days/holidays/seasonal themed projects, please send an email message stating your interest to Becca @

SNEAK PEEK for January 14, 2024

the theme structure formatting will change which will give artisans more creative options:


HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...