Sunday, August 27, 2023

HQCB #37 Theme is Wildlife Day with added heart or love starting 28 August 2023 plus DT CALL

  Heartwarming Greetings to Heart's Quest Challenge Blog!

Theme #37 required elements are:

*Wildlife Day theme (sentiment, photo, clipart images)


*1 usage of heart shape or the word "heart" or the word "love'

(any variation or language equivalent is permitted such as loving, beloved, heartfelt, agape, charity, amore, etc.)

I found online lists that indicate Wildlife Day is September 4th. 


Competition runs from August 28-September 13, 2023 with start and end time references of 12:00am CST/Chicago or 6:00am UK. Bragging rights are called "Best Arrows" with 3 selected projects for entries 1-40 and 5 picks for entries 41-80.


Our design team has crafted works of heart for Theme #37:

(on the blog's sidebar, there are DT member blog link for Becca and an Instagram link for Willa Jean, so make sure to visit and give us some commenting love!)

DT/owner Becca=

[#37 required parts: for wildlife = fox; related are the leafy stems, little birdies, flowers and woodgrain tape PLUS 2 heart shapes for the heart/love inclusion component of the theme]


DT member Willa Jean=

[HQCB #37 required elements: for wildlife --->bunnies, bears, hedgehogs, squirrels raccoons, foxes, deer in the cardstock and die-cut; for heart/love ----> 2 little red glitter hearts and a little pink heart]

Thanks for these wonderful wildlife cards! WOW!!


Now it's your turn readers to take time to stash quest and create cards, tags, scrapbook layouts, etc. We accept several other formats, too.

Whether past or present, we all know cherished family and friends who will love to have happy mail or to be featured in your layouts.

Use the Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-3 themed #37 projects:



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean and Becca


DT Call

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message Becca at

HQCB #36 Best Arrows Recognitions Announcement and DT Call

 Heart's Quest Theme #36

Best Friends Day occasion with heart/love was the theme for #36 ending on August 27, 2023.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 4 outstanding #36 projects submitted and they get the Top 3/Best Arrows badge!!!

Owner Becca has awarded 3 artisans for 4 sets of recognition=  !!!

 In order of entry:

#3 & #4 = both made by Aimeslee


#2 = made by Brandi; link to her IG entry

#1 = made by Jolanda J.

WOW! Didn't I say that this was an outstanding creative projects?!?!!!


<3  **  <3  **  <3

Theme #37 will be launched very soon. NEW time 12:00am CT/Chicago on August 28, 2023.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler


Sunday, August 13, 2023

HQCB #36 Best Friends Day (again) Occasion with heart love starts 14 August 2023

Heartwarming Greetings to Heart's Quest Challenge Blog!

Theme #36 required elements are:

*Best Friends Day theme (sentiment, photo, clipart images, etc.)


*1 usage of heart shape or the word "heart" or the word "love'

(any variation or language equivalent is permitted such as loving, beloved, heartfelt, agape, charity, amore, etc.)

I found online lists that indicate August 15th is Best Friends Day. 


Competition runs from August 14-27, 2023 with start and end time references of 12:00am CST/Chicago or 6:00am UK. {NEW TIMES moved up a half hour!}

 Bragging rights are called "Best Arrows" with 3 selected projects for entries 1-40 and 5 picks for entries 41-80.


Our design team has crafted works of heart for Theme #36:

(on the blog's sidebar, there are DT member blog link for Becca and an Instagram link for Willa Jean, so make sure to visit and give us some commenting love!)

DT member Willa Jean=

[HQCB #36 required friends element: stamped sentiment phrase includes the word 'friend'; 

AND for hearts/love element: 2 little neon pink hearts and a stamped heart]

This is the sweetest!!! Pretty! Cheerful colors! I love the strip of arrows that is relatable to the hearts/love component of HQCB! Any girlfriend is going to love receiving this card from Willa Jean!!


DT/owner Becca=

[HQCB #36 required elements: 2 phrases using the word friend/friends + 2 glitter heart shape stickers]

The butterfly background is a napkin!!! The colors of the napkin sparked the direction for the papers, stamped image and sentiments. It's a cute friendship card!

Thanks for these excellent friendship cards! Bravo!!


Now it's your turn readers to take time to stash quest and create cards, tags, scrapbook layouts, etc. We accept several other formats, too.

Whether past or present, we all know cherished family and friends who will love to have happy mail or to be featured in your layouts, or other formatted projects.

Use the Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-3 themed #36 projects:



Heartfelt wishes, 

HQCB Design Team-- Willa Jean and Becca


DT Call

We are still needing 2 or more talented artisans to join our design team. If interested or have questions about the duty details, message Becca at

HQCB #35 Best Arrows Recognition Announcement for Sun Moon Stars theme

 Heart's Quest Theme #35

Sun/Moon/Stars occasion with heart/love was the theme for #35 ending on August 13, 2023.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there was 1 outstanding #35 project submitted and it gets the Top 3/Best Arrows badge!!!

Owner Becca has awarded 1 artisan for recognition=  Jolanda J!!!

 In order of entry:

#1= Jolanda J

Out-of-this-world amazing!!! 

WOW! Didn't I say that this was an outstanding creative project?!?!!!


<3  **  <3  **  <3

Theme #36 will be launched very soon. NEW time 12:00am CT/Chicago on August 14, 2023.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler


HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...