Tuesday, June 27, 2023

HQCB #33 Best Friend Day occasion theme PLUS heart or love AND a DT CALL

  Heartwarming Greetings to Heart's Quest Challenge Blog!

Theme #33 required elements are:

*Best Friend Day theme (sentiment, photo, clipart images)


*1 usage of heart shape or the word "heart" or the word "love'

(any variation or language equivalent is permitted such as loving, beloved, heartfelt, agape, charity, amore, etc.)

I found online lists that indicate June 8 and also August 15 as Best Friends Days. 


Competition runs from June 28-July 13, 2023 with start and end time references of 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK. Bragging rights are called "Best Arrows" with 3 selected projects for entries 1-40 and 5 picks for entries 41-80.


Our design team has crafted works of heart for Theme #33:

(on the blog's sidebar, there are DT member blog link for Becca and an Instagram link for Willa Jean, so make sure to visit and give us some commenting love!)

DT member Willa Jean

[Theme #33 required elements: Best Friends Day = stamped "F/friends"
 plus heart/love= 2 tiny little heart shape puffy hearts; hearts within the floral patterned paper]

What a lovely floral tribute encouragement card to send to a special friend! This is fantastic!


DT/owner Becca

[HQCB Theme #33 required elements: best friend stencil-traced and colored with markers; subtitle lets you know how long that friendship has been going;

and heart/love = stencil-inked hearts and plus/cross/x signs also stencil-inked]

 The yellow base is 6" square with aqua specialty paper panel and a recycled/upcycled panel cut from a tissues box (long rectangle kind) for that tiger lily floral print! :) Some white and black thread looped around and tucked under the tissue box panel for a bit of whimsy. And now I have a friendship card to send to my bff!!


Project #2: mini slimline card at 6" high x 3.25" wide

[HQCB #33 required elements: for best friend= stenciled "BFF" and

for heart/love = inked/stenciled, marker/stenciled, and some hand-drawn heart shapes]

<3  **  <3  **  <3


Now it's your turn readers to take time to stash quest and create cards, tags, scrapbook layouts, etc. We accept several other formats, too.

Whether past or present, we all know cherished family and friends who will love to have happy mail or to be featured in your layouts about vacation traveling.

Use the Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-3 themed #33 projects:




With heartfelt appreciation,

Heart's Quest Design Team: Willa Jean and Becca S (owner)

<3  **   <3  **  <3


 DT Call= 

Wanted: 2  or more passionate artisan bloggers or IG enthusiasts

 If you're interested in becoming part of Heart's Quest design team, experienced or not, please send an email message about your interest, blog link/IG account, etc. to Becca at


HQCB #32 Best Arrows Announcement

Heart's Quest Theme #32

Travel/vacation occasion with heart/love was the theme for #32 ending on June 27, 2023.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude to the 5 awesome craft artisans with a total of 7 submissions for their outstanding travel/vacation themed cards/layouts that include hearts/love!!!

Owner Becca has awarded 3 artisans for recognition=  Jolanda, Cheryl, and Brandi!!!

entry #4 by  = Brandi

[tropical vacay photos ; many heart shapes scattered around the double page spread]


entry #6 by   = Cheryl E.

(vacation photos from London; there are hearts scattered on both sides )

entry #7 by Jolanda =

[lighthouse scene; 'with love' sentiment]

Thank you for supporting our creative vision and purpose, 
Their usage and placement of tiny hearts are fantastic! 


<3  **  <3  **  <3

Theme #33 will be launched very soon. 12:30am CT/Chicago on June 28, 2023.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler



Monday, June 19, 2023

HQCB #32 Remind post for Travel Vacation with heart or love on 20 June 2023 and DT CALL

 Quick Post Reminder for HQCB #32

The midway point for Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #32 theme has arrived.

Theme #32 is Travel or Vacation theme with heart/love==>

2 parts:

1. Travel/vacation (image or sentiment) 


2. at least 1 of these: heart shape, the word 'heart', and/or the word 'love'


<3  **  <3  **  <3

more design inspiration from owner Becca:

bookmark card #1=

bookmark card #2=

[required #32 theme elements:

travel/vacation element= camp/outdoor icons, truck on 1 card, hiking sign on the other;


heart/love= the word 'love' used on the text print cardstock, plus 1 red heart on each card]

.I like how most of these old stash items were used to create terrific fun encouragement cards. These are for 2 young adult nieces who are working at a summer camp, one as a counselor and the other is a full-time year round employee. 


Travel/vacation occasion projects with heart/love included are due by 12:30am June 27, 2023. 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog #32 main post link=



With a happy heart getting to craft,

owner Becca

{please take time to see what DT members Willa Jean and I created for the main posting from June 14, 2023!!!}

<3  **  <3  **  <3


We need 2+ more members to help us grow through more social media coverage and networking from their own blog link-ups to other challenge competitions and Facebook groups. 

If you enjoy expressing heart/love within special days/holidays/seasonal themed projects, please send an email message stating your interest to Becca @



Tuesday, June 13, 2023

HQCB #32 Travel or Vacation theme with heart/love theme starts 14 June 2023

 Heartwarming Greetings to Heart's Quest Challenge Blog!

Theme #32 required elements are:

*travel or vacation theme


*1 usage of heart shape or the word "heart" or the word "love'

(any variation or language equivalent is permitted such as loving, beloved, heartfelt, agape, charity, amore, etc.)


Competition runs from June 14-27, 2023 with start and end time references of 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK. Bragging rights are called "Best Arrows" with 3 selected projects for entries 1-40 and 5 picks for entries 41-80.


Our design team has crafted works of heart for Theme #32:

(on the blog's sidebar, there are DT member blog link for Becca and an Instagram link for Willa Jean, so make sure to visit and give us some commenting love!)

DT member Willa Jean

[Theme #32 required elements:
travel/vacation = map scene paper, motel room keys paper, envelope map paper, car shape die-cuts

 plus heart/love= 1 white puffy heart sticker  ]

These papers and die-cuts in Willa Jean's stash make me jealous!! These are super cool! Willa Jean and her husband have been doing more traveling this year as well as their friends and family. She's going to have a hard time deciding who to send this too! 


DT/owner Becca

[HQCB Theme #32 required elements: travel= hot air balloons; 
PLUS some of the hot air balloons on the acrylic overlay print have 'love' on them]

"together" is on a large journal style card (from a cut apart sheet) that is paired with an acrylic overlay panel that has 'love' on some of its hot air balloons

I love the summery colors of this! This would work for a couple getting married, engaged, celebrating an anniversary, etc. I've got a nephew with an anniversary in a few days, so I should get this ready to mail tonight for him and his lovely wife. 

<3  **  <3  **  <3


Now it's your turn readers to take time to stash quest and create cards, tags, scrapbook layouts, etc. We accept several other formats, too.

Whether past or present, we all know cherished family and friends who will love to have happy mail or to be featured in your layouts about vacation traveling.

Use the Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-3 themed #32 projects:




With heartfelt appreciation,

Heart's Quest Design Team: Willa Jean and Becca S (owner)

<3  **   <3  **  <3


 DT Call= 

Wanted: 2  or more passionate artisan bloggers or IG enthusiasts

 If you're interested in becoming part of Heart's Quest design team, experienced or not, please send an email message about your interest, blog link/IG account, etc. to Becca at



HQCB #31 Best Arrows Recognition Announcement for 3 artisans

Heart's Quest Theme #31

Father's Day or masculine occasion with heart/love was the theme for #31 ending on June 13, 2023.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude to the 3 awesome craft artisans with a total of 8 submissions for their outstanding masculine cards that include hearts/love!!!

Owner Becca has awarded all 3 artisans for recognition=

entry #1 by Aimeslee

5 little red heart shapes scattered around the card.

entry #3 by Deanne  = 

(red heart shape on apron pocket)

I can't copy and paste or save so I'm including her link. 

Super cute card with a boy on a skateboard and the sentiment "I love you every day that ends in "Y".

Thank you for supporting our creative vision and purpose, Redbird, Deanne, and Aimeslee!!!
Their usage and placement of tiny hearts are fantastic! 


<3  **  <3  **  <3

Theme #32 will be launched very soon. 12:30am CT/Chicago on June 14, 2023.

on behalf of Heart's Quest challenge blogs design team members Willa Jean and owner Becca S.


***on-going DT CALL***

if interested in being part of HQCB occasion themes with inclusion of heart/love image or sentiment element on the 14th and 28th of each month,

email an message of interest to owner Becca Sadler



Monday, June 5, 2023

HQCB #31 Reminder of Father's Day or Masculine with heart love included

  Quick Post Reminder for HQCB #31

The midway point for Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's #31 theme has arrived.

Theme #31 is Father's Day or masculine with heart/love==>

2 parts:

1. Father's Day or masculine occasion = sentiment and/or related image


2. at least 1 of these: heart shape, the word 'heart', and/or the word 'love'


<3  **  <3  **  <3

more design inspiration from owner Becca:

Family Road Trip card=

[required #31 theme elements:

masculine= station wagon, woodgrain, several darker tones,


heart/love= 1 heart shape glitter sticker]



Father's Day/masculine occasion projects with heart/love included are due by 12:30am June 13, 2023. 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog #31 main post link=



With a happy heart getting to craft for Heart's Quest,

owner Becca

{please take time to see what DT members Willa Jean and I created for the main posting from May 28, 2023!!!}

<3  **  <3  **  <3


We need more members to help us grow through more social media coverage and networking from their own blog link-ups to other challenge competitions and Facebook groups. 

If you enjoy expressing heart/love within special days/holidays/seasonal themed projects, please send an email message stating your interest to Becca @


HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...