Monday, March 27, 2023

HQCB Theme #27 Mother's Day with heart/love starting 28 March 2023 AND DT Call

  Hello! Heartfelt Greetings from Heart's Quest Challenge Blog! This is the main launch post for Theme #27 Mother's Day with heart/love.

March 28-April 13, 2023 with start and end times of 12:30am CST or 6:30am UK as 2 time references. 

Theme #27 requirements:

1. Mother's Day element= can be Mother, child, family or other image(s) and/or sentiment


2. heart shape/word or love word= include at least 1 of these (can be variations of the words like heartwarming, heartfelt, hearts, loving, beloved, amore, charity, etc.), heart shape or the sideways typed <3

Design Inspiration for Mother's Day/heart/love Theme #27=

DT member Diane=

[theme #27 elements: Mother's Day= sentiment
and heart/love = stamped/colored image is full of hearts, even the leaves are heart-shaped!!!]

Loving all the lovely hearts on Diane's card!!

DT member Willa Jean=

Instagram= bandwjc
also very active in FB group Soul Scrappers and a few other scrapbooking groups/blogs

[theme #27 elements: Mother's Day = favorite things of butterflies and flowers, pink and blue colors
heart/love= 3 puffy heart stickers]

Such a pretty feminine card made with favorite things of the targeted recipient!

Owner/DT Becca S=

[HQCB #27 elements: Mother's Day= mother, Mother's Day 2023 and for heart/love= "with lots of love and prayers", amber/gold heart shaped gem]

I decided to use this wood ornament to develop my ideas for my mom's Mother's Day card. I've not called my mom a mother hen except maybe once or twice in my life! :) I've been very blessed with my momma! She's a retired registered nurse but a supreme caring nurturer extraordinaire! Always had cookies in the cookie jar during childhood and teen years! Always had a pitcher of Kool-Aid ready for us! Always made sure we sat down and ate together for all our meals! Most made from scratch or with help of mixes or boxes. Always ready to bandage the boo-boos. Always ready to listen. And the list goes on. She's still going at 83+!!! Love you, mom! 

<3  **  <3  **  <3

Thanks gals for your amazing projects!


Use the Inlinkz tool address to submit your entries--yes! Entries! Each participant can enter 3 new themed projects per challenge. 



DT Call for additional crew mates= if you're interested in learning more about this opportunity, please send your name, crafting blog link, and a few samples of your work (if I'm not familiar with your style), to the blog's contact email address:

with "HQCB DT Call" in the subject line.


With happy hearts expressing love with our creativity, 
Heart's Quest challenge blog
Design Team members Diane and Willa Jean along with owner Becca S

HQCB Theme #26 Top 3 Best Arrows Announcement

Top 3 Best Arrows Announcement for HQCB #26

 Heart's Quest Theme #26 was Easter with heart/love. Competition was from March 14-March 27 ending at 12:30am CST/Chicago time.

Congratulations to Brandi H and Deanne S!!


Brandi submitted 3 entries of 2 cards and 1 layout via Instagram.

Here is card 1's link=

card 2's link=

layout link=

Deanne's card=

Wonderful projects filled with love at Easter time!

Thank you gals for your faithful support of HQCB!


With happy hearts that are excited about what the next theme will be,

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog design team and with owner, Becca S


also check out other challenge blogs owner by Becca:

FarmQuest (new themes on the 14th and 28th), FarmQuest General Store (lasts a month-long starting on the 7th with the theme always being anything farm/country goes), and The Fairy and The Unicorn (anything goes fantasy theme starting on the 1st Saturday of each month).

Sunday, March 19, 2023

HQCB Theme #26 REMINDER for Easter with heart/love ending on 27 March 2023

 Heartfelt Greetings! The midway point in competition #26 has arrived. 

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's Easter occasion with heart/love will end at 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK on March 27, 2023. 

Theme #26 requires:

a. at least 1 image/sentiment of Easter holiday, either religious or secular

b. at least 1 image/heart shape or 1 word that is either heart or love; or a variation/form such as beloved, heartwarming, loving, etc.

additional inspiration  by owner Becca=

[theme #26 required elements: for Easter I'm doing a religious take using "Good News", a cross, a circular 'tomb opening', and John 14:1-6; for heart/love, I have 2 heart shape stickers]

Most of the card elements are from a CTMH card kit (gifted by a wonderful crafter friend) and I added some others to make it more of my own design. (printed base, 2 butterflies, the little light pink tab, the label frame die-cut are kit components)


Link back to the main launch posting from March 14, 2023. This post will have the Inlinkz tool address for submitting your entries.

LINK to HQCB #26 main post:


With a happy heart,

on behalf of HQCB design team members Willa Jean and Diane,

owner Becca

<3  **  <3  **  <3

{Check out the other blogs I own: FarmQuest, FarmQuest General Store, and The Fairy and The Unicorn.} 

Monday, March 13, 2023

HQCB Theme #26 is Easter with heart/love starting 14 March 2023

 Hello! Heartfelt Greetings from Heart's Quest Challenge Blog! This is the main launch post for Theme #26 Easter with heart/love.

March 14-27, 2023 with start and end times of 12:30am CST or 6:30am UK as 2 time references. 

Theme #26 requirements:

1. Easter holiday element= can be religious or secular images and/or sentiment


2. heart shape/word or love word= include at least 1 of these (can be variations of the words like heartwarming, heartfelt, hearts, loving, beloved, amore, charity, etc.), heart shape or the sideways typed <3

Design Inspiration for Easter/heart/love Theme #26=

owner Becca S

[theme #26 Easter + heart/love elements= wood chicks, happy Easter sentiment with different lettering/die-cut AND typed/sideways heart shape tile stickers for <3]

Happy <3 (heart) Easter! I tried to give a bit of springtime crossed with barn/chicken coop look with 2 different barn siding papers and the washi tape grass pattern.


DT member Willa Jean

Instagram= bandwjc (think of it as B and WJC)

[theme #26 elements: for Easter= bunny die-cut and the word bunny in the sentiment; AND for heart/love = 'loves' is in the sentiment]

Willa Jean's crafted a very sweet spring season Easter greeting card! Her focal is a cut-apart card which she's inked the edges and added glitter pen to the bunny's cheeks and some of the flowers. "Little Bunny Foo-Foo hopping through the forest..." has popped into my thoughts! How about you?



DT member Diane


[theme #26 requirements: small pink heart is on the train engine AND rabbits, carrots, sentiment "happy easter"]

Did we say 'die-cuts'?!?!?!! Diane's spent several hours getting all the different colors and pieces cut for this 4 part Easter train and then another 2 hours or so to assemble and adhere all the pieces! Spectacular! Such a loving keepsake display card for Easter weekend!


Now it's your turn to do a stash quest and have some creative fun making an Easter love/heart project for Heart's Quest! Use the Inlinkz tool address to submit your 1-3 entries.


<3  **  <3  **  <3  **  <3

With happy hearts for having crafted our Easter Love projects,

HQCB DT members and owner Becca S

HQCB Theme #25 Best Arrows Announcement

 Hello! Heart's pounding about the Best Arrows Announcement for Heart's Quest Theme #25!

We had only 2 entries from 1 talented crafter!

Congrats, Brandi!

Brandi H crafted 2 layouts to capture wedding anniversary celebrations from a few years back:

Instagram: scrappy.boymama

*not able to download, so visit and see what she's been scrapping lately!

Enjoy the bragging rights, Brandi!! Appreciate your support!

<3  **  <3  **  <3

HQCB Theme #26 will be published at 12:30am CST or 6:30am UK on March 14th, Tuesday. 

Please join us for the next occasion featured theme at Heart's Quest Challenge Blog!

--Becca and the Design Team

Sunday, March 5, 2023

HQCB Theme #25 REMINDER for heart/love PLUS anniversary occasion challenge ending on 13 March 2023

 Hope you're having a lovely day!

Welcome to Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's midway reminder posting for Theme #25!

#25 started on February 28 and will end on March 13, 2023 at 12:30am CST/Chicago or 6:30am UK. 

#25 theme required elements are:

(1) at least 1 usage of heart/love (word or shape)


(2) at least 1 usage of image or sentiment reflective of an anniversary occasion.


Each participant may enter up to 3 new themed projects. Acceptable formats are mentioned in the guidelines on the blog's sidebar. Bragging rights are possible for Top 3 Best Arrows (entries of 1-40) or for Top 5 (entries 41+).

<3  **  <3  **  <3

for design inspiration, owner Becca S went on a stash quest and found items both old and new to mash-up for this anniversary card:

[Theme #25 required elements: multiple heart shapes, word 'love' PLUS anniversary stamped sentiment and bottom bubble sticker says "you & me"; also has wedding rings]

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's 

main launch posting from February 28th link=

Use the above link to get you to the Inlinkz tool address needed to submit your blog photo link.


Heartfelt gratitude,

on behalf of the HQCB design team,

owner Becca S

HQCB #71 AG theme with pink and or red hearts card starts 28 Feb 2025 + #70 Arrow brags

Heartfelt Greetings to HQCB  #71       Heart's Quest Challenge Blog's  #71 theme badge  is shown midway:               T heme #71 is...