Saturday, July 13, 2024

HQCB #57 Best Arrows Bragging Rights Notice on 13 July 2024

Heart's Quest Theme #57

Make your combo pair from list badge  was the theme for #57 ending on July  13, 2024.

With my heart overflowing in gratitude there were 2 on target #57 projects and 2 artisans get the Best Arrows badge to share!!!

Thank you very much to these marvelous artisans for tackling #57 Heart's Quest list badge= 

Congratulations to: Granmargaret (#1) and Cheryl E (#2)!!

Here are some small peeks at how they picked option(s) from each side of #56 list badge and created marvelous interpretations:

In order of entry : 

Granmargaret = digital card 

using cherries and kraft color heart


Cheryl E = 1 scrapbook layout

using quilts and kraft color hearts

<3  --  <3  --  <3

These are wonderful projects creatively crafted using HQCB #57!
This was the #57 list badge to make your combo theme:

Thanks for participating!

<3  **  <3  **  <3

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog Design Team:

 DT members Pamela, Willa Jean and Becca S (owner)


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